Pedestrian Love

Medium: Vinyl Stickers, Embroidered Hats

Dimensions: Variable

I live in downtown Durham, NC. I love it here, and it’s home for me. That said, I often find myself alone in the midst of many others. There’s a weird irony in that “being alone in the midst of many others” that can occur in any urban setting. As an aside, you might’ve guessed I have a thing about bears. For many years, my company’s name as well as my alter ego’s has been Chasing Bear. In this case, I decided to leverage this “situation” and use the logo to spread bear HUGS around the city, so that any one person might accidentally catch one while on their way to their next stop. My hope is to conjure up a few smiles here and there, and that maybe they’d be contagious. The stickers can be found in several of the United States, as well as Jordan, Rwanda, Turkey, and Greece.

IMG: Location of HUGS


Hold On, Be Strong
